Have a good sleep

Have a Great Sleep!

I say, “If you dare to dream,You will have to sleep!” I open the door,For the lord to comeI open the doorFor my love to comeI enjoy the beautyOf this crop to reapI often sleepTo lessen my worries heap But It makes me sometimesMore concerned with the ordinarypoor lads who seldom sleepWho do not have a shelterLike me and you and your forefathers asleep. Continue reading Have a Great Sleep!

Power of a “No” (Published at Masticadores India)

I am happy to announce that my poem Power of a “No” is featured at MasticadoresIndia. I would love to acknowledge Terveen Gill and the team at MasticadoresIndia for their support throughout. Often I see“yes” accomplishes the trickBe it in a love-proposeOr be it in hiring. Advancing to the next stageHow often do you seeThat “No” decidesthe outcome? Kindly follow this link to read the … Continue reading Power of a “No” (Published at Masticadores India)